January 2014: All the computer terminals in the new e-library now have internet access, providing the students and teachers with the biggest source of information and knowledge there is. The server and all the computer terminals are powered by the school's solar array, just like all the other electric appliances in the entire school |
January 2014: The pupils and students of the NPS Agriculture Club have started rearing chickens, thereby gaining experience for the professional chicken farm that will be established later this year |
Construction work continues, January 2014 |
During this year's excursion on the 23rd of January 2014, the secondary school students visited the companies SOSAI and DARE (Developmental Association for Renewable Energies) in Kaduna. They learned a lot about fuel-efficient cooking stoves, solar-powered cooking and water heating and techniques to drastically reduce cement consumption in construction. Around twenty selected students will attend a workshop later this year to learn more about these technologies |
For the weekly press club report, the NPS Press Club visited a local wrestling competition in Dorayi District, Makarfi L.G.A., February 2014 |
Immatriculation at Ahmadu Bello University of Jeremiah Dauda, the first NPS scholarship student to enter this institution, February 2014 |
The NPS Agriculture Club chickens are developing very well, February 2014 |
Inter-house competition on the new football field, February 2014: The principal Mr Ashang and the head teacher Mrs Tanko watching the games, the newly designed NPS trophy which all houses aspire to win, music club members with their drums, the parading and one of house football teams |
Structural work of most of the buildings is completed, interior construction, wiring and fixing of furniture is going on. The two classroom buildings with a view of fixed tables and benches and the laboratory, the school kitchen/restaurant with a view of the interior, the new teacher house with a view of one of the rooms, all March 2014 |
The chickens of the NPS Agriculture club, now two months old, March 2014 |
Some of the PTA members and villagers are helping the school by digging a roadside ditch which will serve as a water channel during rainy season, protecting the football field from erosion, March 2014 |
During their computer and internet education classes, the pupils and students of NPS are taking part in the United Nations Global Survey for a better World by voting for the changes that would be most important for their personal lives, March 2014 |
The installation of all the benches, tables and whiteboards in the six new secondary school classrooms is finally completed, and the students and teachers have started using them, March 2014 |
20.03.2014: The NPS Drama Club presenting their community awareness play about the dangers of poliomyelitis and the need for vaccination. This took place in Kuya, other villages around the school will follow soon |
The school bursar Mr Magaji Lukman in his office, April 2014 |
Works of the NPS Art Club produced during this term: Solid Map for the Drama Club, a picture of the President for the principal's office, a mace for the students' parliament, a trophy for the best teacher of the year award and NPS flags for marching, April 2014 |
Pupils filling out the NPS Primary School Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Teacher Performance, April 2014 |
The new exercise books with the NPS logo on the covers have arrived, complete with pictures of our students and the website address, May 2014 |
14.05.2014: The world-famous Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has signed some of her books for the students of Najude Pioneer School, which will now be kept in a very special place in the school library:) |
14.05.2014: Special Report of the NPS Press Club about the life of Fulani people in the area |
17.05.2014: 2nd Meeting of the NPS Alumni Association (NPSAA) members |
The school nurse Mr Ezra Maikasuwa in the NPS clinic, May 2014 |
Installation of the new grinding engine, one of the school's Revenue Generating Projects (RGPs), May 2014 |
20.05.2014: Special Report of the NPS Press Club about the Sarkin Arna in U/Sarki Gwanki |
Spelling competition between Primary 5A and 5B, May 2014 |